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Dr. Reckeweg R3 Heart Drops (22 ml)

Dr. Reckeweg R3 Heart Drops (22 ml)

Relieves Cardiac Pains, Sleeplessness, Difficulty In Breathing & Palpitations


₹285 ₹274
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Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form-            Drops

Weight-          69 (gms)

Dr. Reckeweg R3 – Homeopathic Heart Drops for Blockage & Valvular Disorders

Dr. Reckeweg R3 is a homeopathic heart tonic formulated to support individuals with heart insufficiency, myocardial weakness, and cardiac irregularities. It is effective in conditions like heart blockage, valvular disorders, palpitations, breathlessness, and sleeplessness due to cardiac issues. The carefully selected ingredients help strengthen heart muscles, improve circulation, and provide relief from heart-related discomforts.

Key Benefits of Dr. Reckeweg R3:

  • Helps in heart insufficiency and myocardial weakness.
  • Supports recovery in valvular heart diseases, endocarditis, and myocarditis.
  • Provides relief from heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat, and breathlessness.
  • Improves blood circulation and reduces cardiac pain.
  • Aids in reducing anxiety, nervous exhaustion, and sleep disturbances.

Heart insufficiencies of a light to medium degree, with a tendency towards oedema. Myocardial weakness in cases of valvular heart diseases. Dilatations.

Post-infectious myocardial weakness. Degenerative processes of the myocardium, coronary insufficiencies, cardiac infarction, functional irregularities, myo- and endocarditis, hypotonia.

Cactus: Oppression with symptoms of angina pectoris. Strong pulse, suffocation. Sensation as if heart turned over ; as if it whirled round; as if some one was grasping heart firmly, with sensation as if it whirled round; as if heart was bound down and had not room enough to beat; as if bolts were holding it; as if compressed or squeezed by a band.-Lancinating pain in heart when perspiration fails.Deathlike feeling at heart 
Crataegus: Myodegeneration cordis with cardiac weakness; enfeeblement of the heart during infectious diseases. Painful spasms; hypotension; tendency towards decompensation; functional irregularities. Hypertrophy from overexertion; from alcoholic, venereal and other excesses.Heart collapse in typhoid. Heart failure in hypertrophy and valvular disease.Palpitation and rapid action of heart.

Digitalis:Heart failure with cardiac dilatation. Dull uneasiness in various parts of heart region, with sensation of weakness in forearm. Feeling of slight confusion of heart, esp. on moving, with painful sensation of weakness in wrist and forearms. Sudden sensation as though heart stood still, with great anxiety and necessity for holding breath, after dinner; must keep perfectly still.

Kalium carbonicum: Weakness of the heart and the cardiovascular system in endo-myocarditis. Sharp pain in the heart. Pinching pain in or by heart, as if heart were hanging by tightly drawn bands; < on deep inspiration, on coughing; not noticed on motion of body. Frequent and violent palpitation; with anxiety.

Kalmia: Pains extending down left arm. Chronic heart weakness with difficult breathing. Acute and chronic endocarditis, following gout and rheumatism. Paroxysms of anguish about heart, dyspnoea, febrile excitement; rheumatic endocarditis, with consequent hypertrophy and valvular disease.Pressure like a marble from epigastrium towards heart, with strong, quick heart-beats; every beat has a strumming as if it would burst, along sternum to throat; third or fourth beat louder, followed by an intermission.-Wandering rheumatic pains in region of heart, extending down left arm.

Phosphorus: Heart palpitations mainly when resting on the left side, afflux of blood to the chest and suffocation, anguish. General nervous exhaustion and hypersensitivity. Anxiety about heart with nausea and a peculiar hunger, somewhat > by eating, distressing even in bed. Sensation of warmth about right side of heart. Violent palpitation with anxiety, evenings and mornings in bed; on slight motion.

Scilla: Insufficiency of the cardiovascular system with dysrhythmia. Decompensation phenomenon. Palpitation of heart.Pulse: small and slow; slightly hard. 

Spigelia: Strong and abnormal palpitation, low pulse, endo-myocarditis. Violent palpitation of heart, perceptible to sight and hearing, often with anxious oppression of chest, < by curving chest forwards and by sitting down. The beatings of the heart do not correspond with those of the pulse.

Strophanthus: Fast acting heart tonic. The heart is easily and powerfully affected; systole is increased and the contractions slowed by small doses; the heart is paralysed in rigid contraction by large doses; this action is produced if the influence of the cerebro-spinal system be altogether removed 

According to the weakness of the heart, 3 times daily 10-20-30 drops in some water or as prescribed by the physician 

In the beginning of the treatment even 4-6 times daily or as prescribed by the physician 

In case of strong tendency towards hydropsy, to be taken undiluted. Improvement should follow after several days only. If not, the dose should be increased, and reduced again after improvement to 20 drops, 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician 

Even after complete disappearance of the complaints a treatment of 10-15 drops 2-3 times a day should be continued for a longer period of time. Overdosing presents no danger or as prescribed by the physician 

In acute weakness of the heart, every 15 to 30 minutes 10-20 drops or as prescribed by the physician 

  •  In cardiac neurosis, angina pectoris etc.- R2 Gold drops. 
  •  In myocarditis and endocarditis administer additionally R22. 
  •  Decompensated heart: - R58.
  •  In myocardial infarct-  R67 and R2, follow-up with R3. 
  •  In Cardiac arrhythmias - R66.
  • In Cardiac neurosis - R22.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Dr. Reckeweg R3 Heart Drops used for?

    Dr. Reckeweg R3 is a homeopathic remedy that supports heart health by addressing symptoms such as palpitations, breathlessness, chest discomfort, and general heart weakness.
  • How should Dr. Reckeweg R3 be taken?

    The recommended dosage is 10-15 drops diluted in water, taken 3 times daily before meals. In severe cases, the dosage can be taken more frequently as directed by a healthcare provider.
  • Can Dr. Reckeweg R3 be used for chronic heart conditions?

    Yes, Dr. Reckeweg R3 is effective in managing chronic heart-related issues like angina, heart failure, and cardiac arrhythmias, but it should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
  • Are there any side effects of using Dr. Reckeweg R3?

    Dr. Reckeweg R3 is generally safe and does not cause known side effects when taken as prescribed. If any adverse reactions occur, stop using the product and consult a doctor.
  • Can Dr. Reckeweg R3 be used alongside other heart medications?

    Yes, it can be used as a complementary remedy with conventional heart medications. However, always consult your physician before combining treatments.

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