Relieves Dry Cough, sore throat with pain, difficult breathing
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Weight: 69 (gms)
Bronchial asthma and spastic bronchitis. Constitutional treatment of bronchial asthma.
Arsenicum album: Intense restlessness, anxiety.
Belladonna: Anti-asthmatic in case of loud coughing coupled with perspiration.
Bryonia: Irritation in dry cough, difficult expectoration,Exertions to inhale fresh air; stifling.
Hypophysis: Stimulant in hypophysis which is often the case.
Kalium phosphoricum: In exhaustion for strengthening. Nutrive remedy for the nerves.
Natrium chloratum: Convulsic dry cough, irritation of the mucous membranes. Constitutional with hyperthyreotic types.
Natrium sulfuricum: Constitutional remedy in case of hydrogenoid constitution, worse in damp weather (fog).
Veratrum album: Cold sweat and asthmatic fits.
Yerba santa: Asthmatic bronchitis, with cough and expectoration.
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