Burning Pain in Stomach, Vomiting, Acidity & Gas Troubles
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Form: Drops
Weight: 69 (gms)
Dr. Reckeweg R5 Gastreu is a highly effective homeopathic remedy designed to alleviate digestive health issues such as constipation, gastritis, indigestion, and general stomach discomfort. Available in a convenient 22ml bottle, this remedy offers a natural solution to common digestive problems, promoting overall gastrointestinal health.
The unique formulation of Dr. Reckeweg R5 includes powerful homeopathic ingredients such as Nux Vomica, Carbo Vegetabilis, and Lycopodium, which work synergistically to address various digestive complaints. These ingredients help regulate bowel movements, reduce bloating, and relieve the discomfort associated with gastritis and indigestion.
For those seeking an all-natural, safe, and effective solution to digestive issues, Dr. Reckeweg R5 Gastreu is an excellent option. Order now at eMedicineHub for relief and improved digestive health.
Acute and chronic gastritis, dyspepsia, chronic relapsing gastritis with or without ulceration. Especially ulcus parapyloricum. Heartburn, bad taste in mouth, frequent belching, flatulence, meteorism.
Anacardium: Gastric complaints, improving after eating, pains around midnight. Weak digestion, with fullness and distention. Empty feeling in stomach. Eructation, nausea, vomiting. Apt to choke when eating or drinking. Swallows food and drinks hastily.
Argentum nitricum: Epigastric complaints, noisy and frequent belching with temporary improvement. Gastralgia, esp. in delicate, nervous women; brought on by any emotion, loss of sleep, or at menstrual period. Nausea, retching, vomiting of glairy mucus. Flatulence
Arsenicum album: Remedy for mucous membrane, burning pain in the stomach with vomiting Excessive pains in the abdomen, principally on the left side, and often with great anguish in the abdomen. Regurgitation of acrid matter, or of bitter greenish mucus.Frequent and convulsive hiccoughs, principally in the night.Frequent and excessive nausea, sometimes rising even to the throat, with inclination to vomit, necessity for lying down, sleep, swooning, trembling, shuddering, or heat, pains in the feet. Flow of water from the stomach, like water-brash.
Carbo vegetabilis: Sensation of repletion in abdominal cavity, asthenia and exhaustion. Cramps in the stomach, contractive, or pressive and burning, with accumulation of flatus, and great sensitiveness of the epigastrium. Pressure at the pit of the stomach, as if the heart were going to be crushed, esp. in suckling women.
Chamomilla: Nervous hypersensitivity and irritability. Swelling of the stomach. Acid rising (the existing pain is aggravated by eructations). Pressive gastralgia, as from a stone on the stomach, with difficulty of respiration, chiefly after eating, or at night, with inquietude and tossing, either renewed or mitigated by coffee.
Chelidonium: Effective for liver and bile, choleretic, improvement of gastric disorder by ingestion. Gnawing in stomach relieved by eating.-Sensation of coldness in stomach.Cutting pain in stomach when yawning; soon after eating.
Lycopodium: Gastro-intestinal disturbances, bitter taste in mouth, lack of appetite, constipation, flatulent colic. Sour eructations, the taste of which does not remain in mouth, but the acid gnaws in the stomach. Dyspepsia with loud croaking in the abdomen.-Affections of the inner lower belly. Full, distended abdomen with cold feet.
Nux vomica: Nervous irritability, hypochondria, stomach constriction, disturbances due to nicotin. Flatulent distension, with spasmodic colic. Colic from uncovering. Liver engorged, with stitches and soreness. Colic, with upward pressure, causing short breath, and desire for stool.
Scrophularia nodosa: Griping pains in abdomen, hyperacidity improving after eating.Pain in right hypochondrium, < deep inspiration or lying r. side.Cutting in liver on pressure.Twisting-pinching pain in umbilicus. Colic just below navel and some griping in the side in afternoon.
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