Improves Memory, Development of School Children, Restlessness
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Weight: 69 (gms)
Disturbances in cerebral function, weakness of memory. Faulty spiritual development of school-children, indifference, lassitude exhaustion.
Anacardium: Specific action in weakness of memory.
Arsenicum album: Helpful in cerebral anaemia, stimulant of the cellular function.
Belladonna: In cerebral congestion.
Gelsemium: In vertigo.
Kalium phosphoricum: General tonic of the cerebral function. Excellent nutritive remedy for the nerves.
Lycopodium: Very effective with irregularities in the development of children, through its influence on the detoxicating function of the liver.
Sepia: Against exhaustion and morosity.
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