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Dr. Reckeweg R82 (Mycox) (22 ml)

Dr. Reckeweg R82 (Mycox) (22 ml)

Relieve in the Itching of Skin, White Flakes on Skin, Fungal Infection & Ringworm


₹330 ₹302
8.48 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:               Drops

Weight:          75 (gms)

Fungal infections including ringworm, jock itch, athlete's foot, white flaky skin on hands or feet, thrush in throat, soreness, earache with earitch, white discoloration under fingernails, vaginal yeast or other fungal skin infections. The patient presents with fatigue, irritability, unclear thinking, inability to concentrate, general dissatisfaction, craving for sweets, flatulence; sensitivities of allergic nature increase.

Aspergillus nigerCandida albicansMycosis fungoidesPenicillinum: These ingredients provide antigenic or nodosal relief by stimulating the defense mechanism of the body.

Chlamydia trachomatis: For antigenic (nosodal) treatment of rickettsia and for homoeopathic blockage of the chlamydospore stage of candida growth.

Echinacea angustifolia: Lymph cleanser and immune fortifier.

Zincum metallicum: For relief of foggy headedness and inability to concentrate. Stimulant of nutritional absorption of Zinc.

Tecoma: Strongest anti-fungal herbal known

  •  For external indications apply R82 topically to affliction several drops twice daily to condition or as prescribed by the physician . R82 is safe for external application even into children's ear with cottonswab (if no perforations of tympanic membrane).
  •  Internal application: 10 drops 3 times daily or as prescribed by the physician . If the dosage provokes extreme bowel cleansing or too loose stools have the patient back off of the dosage to 1 drop 3 times daily and build up the dosage gradually
  •  As a preventive use 5 drops every other day to prevent recurrence or as prescribed by the physician . In sensitiveness to alcohol use 10 drops in a glass of warm water. Let alcohol disperse for one minute.
  • For children under 2 years old administer the drops externally into the belly button and let the child rub the remedy into the skin or as prescribed by the physician .
  • For inflammations or with thrush :R1
  •  For fungal infections of urinary tract :R18
  •  If coupled with dyspepsia or intestinal cramping R5
  •  For prostate involvement ;R 25 
  •  In case of dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea :R 28
  •  If premenstrual tension provokes symptoms : R50 and R75
  •  In stubbom skin conditions and psoriasis :R65
  •  To prevent healing crisis from candida over-kill :R26 and R60
  •  With headache :R16

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