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 Sabadilla30 CH (11 ml)

Sabadilla 30 CH (11 ml)

Coryza, Nasal Congestion, Sneezing, Allergy to Strong Odors, Worms, Sneezing & Tonsilitis

Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                   Drops

Common Name:  Cevadilla

Family:                  Liliaceae

MUCOUS MEMBRANES OF NOSE; lachrymal glands; ANUS and digestive tract are affected by this remedy. NERVES are affected producing weakness, nervousness; startled easily. Nervous symptoms reflex from worms; twitching, convulsive trembling or catalepsy. Formication. Alternate nervous and bodily symptoms. Hysteria, after fright. Ill effects of fright; mental exertion; thinking. Worms; causing convulsions, nymphomania etc. Imaginary diseases. Cutting pains in bones.

Coryza. Debility. Diphtheria. Dyspepsia; of pregnancy. Earache. Epistaxis. Hay asthma. Headache. Head-lice. Imaginary diseases. Influenza. Intermittents. Mania. Melancholia. Neuralgia. esophagus, stricture of. Rheumatism. Tapeworm. Throat, sore. Toothache. Uvula elongated. Vertigo. Worms.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Suited to persons of light hair, fair complexion with a weak, relaxed muscular system.
  • Worm affections of children
  • Nervous diseases; twitching, convulsive tremblings, catalepsy; from worms
  • Illusions: that he is sick; parts shrunken; that she is pregnant when merely distended from flatus; that she has some horrible throat disease that will be fatal.
  • Delirium during intermittents
  • Sneezing: in spasmodic paroxysyms; followed by lachrymation; copious watery coryza; face hot and eyelids red and burning.
  • Diphtheria, tonsillitis; can swallow warm food more easily; stitches and most symptoms, especially of throat, go from left to right
  • Sensation of a skin hanging loosely in throat; must swallow over it.
  • Headache: from too much thinking, too close application of attention; from worms.
  • Dryness of fauces and throat. Parchment-like dryness of skin.
  • Heat in the head and face, chilliness, thirsty and discharge of fluids during attacks.
  • Horny, deformed, thickened nails. Hot, burning, creeping, crawling sensation. 
  • Cracking of skin under and beneath toe; inflammation under toe-nails.
  •  Has erroneous notions about himself. Imagines that he is very sick; that parts are shrunken; that she is pregnant; that she has cancer; delirium during intermittents.


  • Worse: cold and cold drinks, full moon.
  • Better: warm food and drink, wrapped up.

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