Skin Complaints, Anxiety, Muscles Weak, Stammering, Vertigo, Diarrhoea & Labor
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Common Name: Spurred Rye, Ergot
It is A vegetable nosode. The muscles of BLOOD, VESSELS and UTERUS; decomposes the BLOOD; producing haemorrhage which is thin, foetid, watery, black, oozing continuously. Twitchings; spasms, with fingers spread apart. Gnawing and cramps; with stiffness; in single parts or after the pains. Numbness. Insufferable tingling, crawling, starting in face; or back; in the limbs; in finger tips, better rubbing. Sensation of burning in the whole body or as of sparks falling on them, or here and there; like fire. Discharges are dark, thin, foul and exhausting. Tetanic spasms with full consciousness. Rapid emaciation; of paralyzed part; or with much appetite and excessive thirst. Loss of power of voluntary motion. Feels as if walking on velvet. Coldness; but does not want to be covered up. Convulsive jerks and starts in the paralyzed limbs. Neuralgia caused by pressure of distended veins. Varicoses. Thrombosis. Lymphoid tumours. Sensation of deadness; in any part. Gangrene; traumatic; from application of leeches or mustard, better cold. It is suited to irritable plethoric subjects; or to thin, scrawny, feeble women of cachetic appearance; to very old decrepit persons. Petechiae. Small wounds bleed much. Everything feels loose and open. Contracted arterioles. Chronic, sharp, stinging neuralgic pains, which burn like fire better application of heat. Paralysis; with distorted limbs; of lower extremities; of one side; of one arm or one leg; with tingling, numbness and prickling. Paralysis after spasms. Restlessness, extreme debility; and prostration. Collapse.
Abortion, threatened. After-pains. Albuminuria. Anus, incontinence of; open. Asthenopia. Bladder, paralysis of. Boils. Carbuncles. Cataract. Chilblains. Cholera; infantum. Chorea. Convulsions. Cramps. Diabetes. Diaphragm, cramp in. Diarrhoea. Distortions. Dysphagia. Epilepsy. Epistaxis. Feet, cramps in; burning of; coldness of. Fibroma. Gangrene. Gastritis. Glands, swelling of; suppuration of. Goître. Haematuria. Haemorrhages. Haemorrhagic diathesis. Heart, palpitation of. Hiccough. Hysteria. Impotence. Liver, enlargement of. Lochia, fetid. Lumbago. Menstruation, excessive. Metrorrhagia. Milk, suppressed. Miscarriage. Morvan's disease. Myelitis; diffusa. Nails, degeneration of. Neuralgia. Night-sweats. Numbness. Œsophagitis. Ovaries, tumours of. Paralysis; post-diphtheritic; spastic. Placenta, retained. Post-partum haemorrhage. Pregnancy, false pains of. Purpura, Raynaud's disease. Small-pox, haemorrhagic. Spinal irritation. Stammering. Stomach, cancer of. Strabismus. Stricture, spasmodic. Thrombosis. Tongue, biting of. Typhoid. Ulcers. Uterus, inertia of; neuralgia of; prolapse.
Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR
Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.
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