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Dr. Reckeweg Strychninum30 CH (11 ml)

Dr. Reckeweg Strychninum 30 CH (11 ml)

Weakness of Muscles, Stroke, Numbness, Convulsion, Palpitation & Tetanus


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                   Drops

Common Name: Strychnine

Its primary function is to stimulate the motor centers and the reflex action of the spinal cord. Homeopathic to spasms of muscles, cramps from an undue reflex excitability of the cord, spasms of the bladder, etc. Strychnin stimulates the central nervous system, mental activities, special senses rendered more acute. Respiration increased. All reflexes are made more active. Stiffness in muscles and face and neck. Opisthotonos. Tetanic convulsions with opisthotonos. The muscles relax between paroxysms; worse slightest touch, sound, odor. Influences more directly the spinal cord and is less appropriate in visceral derangements than Nux. Tetanus. Explosive nervousness. The pains and sensations come suddenly and return at intervals.

Amaurosis. Aorta, pain in. Aphonia. Asthma. Athetosis. Bladder, paralysis of; pains in. Breasts, pains in. Cough, explosive. Cramps Diaphragm, spasms of. Emphysema. Enuresis. Exophthalmos. Headache. Hemiplegia. Influenza. Joints, stiffness of. Laryngeal crises of locomotor ataxy. Locomotor ataxy. Malar bones, pains in. Night-blindness. Paraplegia. Proctalgia. Rheumatism. Scrotum, abscess of. Tetanus.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Burning, aching, and weakness of spine; pain extends to front of chest.
  • Fatty degeneration of the vital organs, flushings, throat constriction and aggravation after sleep.
  • A sense of constriction in the throat and violent headache over the eyes after eating.
  • Lack of stamina, fears, and sensitiveness to external stimuli.
  • Little jerks which affect the hand, arm or foot, but they are sudden, violent, muscular contractions which come like lightening and are gone as fast
  • Coldness of the feet, more of a numbness. 
  • Difficulty in breathing with sensitiveness in females
  • Heavy feeling in stomach with numbness felt.
  • Exhaustion of brain-power, loss of muscle power and weakness.
  • Facial neuralgia and neuralgic headache Strych sulph is the best medicine.  
  • Brain exhaustion of women in whom high nervous erethism is observed
  • Pain in the stomach with cramps is relieved with help of this medicine.
  • Gastric atony with excess vomitting and stomach pain due to retching and vomiting is covered
  • Jerks of the body with trembling of lower limbs is relieved with help of this medicine.
  • It is useful in itching all over the body with excessive cold in the nose.


  • Worse: morning; touch; noise; motion; after meals.
  • Better: lying on back.

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