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Dr. Reckeweg Vaccininum30 CH (11 ml)

Dr. Reckeweg Vaccininum 30 CH (11 ml)

Skin Eruptions, Swelling, Enlarged Glands, Bad Effects of Vaccination & Whooping Cough


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
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Useful in

Form:                   Drops

Common Name:  Trituration of vaccine matter.

Vaccine poison is capable of setting up a morbid state of extreme chronicity, named by Burnett Vaccinosis, symptoms like those of Hahnemann's Sycosis. Neuralgias, inveterate skin eruptions, chilliness, indigestion with great flatulent distension. Whooping-cough.

Cheloid. Eczema. Leprosy. Naevus. Nephritis. Small-pox. Tumours. Vaccinia. Vaccinosis. Whooping-cough.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

  • Nervous, impatient, irritable; disposition to be troubled by things.
  • Morbid fear of taking small-pox.
  • Forehead felt as if it would split in two in median line from root of nose to top of head.
  • Redness of eyes and face, with small pimples on face and hands.
  • Bleeding at nose preceded by a feeling of contraction above and between eyebrows, soon after eating meat
  • Redness and distension of face, chill running down back.
  • Swelling of neck under right ear (parotid gland) with sensation like being cut.
  • Tongue coated, dryish yellow, with papillae showing through coat.
  • Appetite gone, disgust to taste, smell, and appearance of food. Coffee tastes sour.
  • Nephritis with albuminuria, haematuria, and dropsy, developed eleven days after vaccination; child recovered.
  • Febrile action of heart and arteries.
  • Soreness of lower extremities, as if heated or over-exerted. Legs ached immoderately, hardly able to get about, a break-bone sensation, and a feeling as if bones were undergoing process of comminution.
  • A general eruption, similar to cow-pox.
  • Small pimples develop at point of vaccination with fourth dilution.
  • Red pimples or blotches in various parts, most evident when warm.
  • Waked in middle of night by pain in forehead and eyes as if split, and stinging in temples.

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