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HSL Bico 32 Tuberculosis (20 gm)

HSL Bico 32 Tuberculosis (20 gm)

Mild to High Temperature with Loss of Appetite & Weight & Dry Cough


₹70 ₹67
4.29 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:               Tablet

Weight:           50 (gms)

Calc Fluorica : Cough with expectoration of tiny lumps of yellow mucus, with tickling sensation and irritation on lying down. Cough with expectoration of tiny lumps of yellow mucus with a tickling sensation & irriation on lying down.

Calc Phosphorica : Suffocative cough; better lying down. Hoarseness.  Pain through the lower left lung.

Calc Sulphurica : Catarrh, with thick, lumpy, white-yellow or pus-like secretion. Cough with purulent, sanious sputa & hectic fever. Catarrh, with thick, lumpy, whiitish yellow or pus like secretion.

Ferrum Phophoricum : Short, painful tickling cough. Croup. Hard, dry cough, with sore chest. Hoarseness. First stage of all inflammatory affection. Cough better at night.

Kali Phosphoricum : Short breath on going upstairs. Cough; yellow expectoration. 

Mag Phosphorica : Dry, tickling cough. Spasmodic cough, with difficulty in lying down. Whooping cough.

Natrum phosphoricum : Naso-pharyngeal catarrh, with thick, yellow, offensive mucus. 

Lecithin : Causing marked improvement in nutrition and general improvement. Tired, weak, short breath, loss of flesh 

4 Tablets 4 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

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