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HSL HC-30 Kreosotum Complex (20 gm)

HSL HC-30 Kreosotum Complex (20 gm)

Lowers the High Body temperature in Flu, Cold & Chills with Body Pains


₹75 ₹68
9.33 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
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Useful in

Form:               Tablet

Weight:           40 (gms)

Primary complex, Tubercular Diathesis, Low grade Pyrexia with Loss of appetite and weight, chronic Dry Cough with Nausea and Vomitting.

Kreosotum: Overgron poorly developed children. Very rapid decay of teeth with spongy, bleeding gums. Sensation of coldness, as if ice water is in the stomach.

Abrotanum: Marasmus of lower extremities. Great weakness after influenza. rheumatism following checked diarrhoea.

Teucrium M.V.: Loss of sense of smell. Strengthens the brain after delirium tremens.

Tuberculinum: especially adapted to light complexioned, narrow chested subjects. Lax fibre, low recuperative powers & very susceptible to changes in weather.

Children: 1 tab. 3-4 times daily or as directed by the physician.

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