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HSL HC-68 Calcarea Flour Complex (20 gm)

HSL HC-68 Calcarea Flour Complex (20 gm)

Corneal Opacities, Blurred Vision, Difficult Reading & Eye strain


₹75 ₹66
12.00 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:               Tablet

Weight:           40 (gms)

Flashes of light before eyes, Immature cataract, spot on the cornea. Warts on the upper lids, corneal opacity. Vision double, dim and blurred. Aching in posterior part of the orbit. Twitching sensation in eyes and lids.

 Causticum : Darknets which seems to dance before the eyes. Lights and sparks before the eyes.

 Calcarea Fluorica : Cataract, Flickering, and sparks before the eyes.

Sulphur : Lachrymation in the morning, with burning, oily tears.

Silicea : Objects seem to be pals when reading.

2 tablets, 2-3 times daily or as prescribed by the physician 

Constant use of Cineraria Maritima Senecia and Drox 33 Shall prevent further progression of CATARAC

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