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HSL HC-7 Berberis Complex (20 gm)

HSL HC-7 Berberis Complex (20 gm)

Uric Acid, Gout, Joint Swelling & Renal Calculi


₹75 ₹69
8.00 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:               Tablet

Weight:           40 (gms)

Gouty Arthritis, Wandering, Stiching, tearing, twinging Pains in Joints, Gouty Nodosities in Fingers. Uraemic Diathesis.

Berberis Vul : Stitching between metatarsal bones as from a nail when standing. Pain in balls of feet on stepping. Intense weariness and lameness of legs after walking a short distance. 

Abrotanum : Pain in shoulders, arms, wrists, and ankles. Pricking and coldness in fingers and feet.Stiffness and lameness in joints. Joints stiff & lame. Painful contraction of limbs.

Nux Vomica : Cracking in knee-joints during motion. Drags his feet when walking. Sensation of sudden loss of power of arms and legs in the morning. Legs numb, feel paralyzed, cramps in calves & soles.

Colocynth : Cramps and twitching and shortening of muscles. Tearing in limbs during warm weather, stinging during cold,  Limbs, lame, weak, tingling in finger nails. Constrictions and contractions. Stiffness of joints and shortening of tendons. 

Adult: 2 tablets, 3-4 times daily  or as prescribed by the Physician

Children: 1 tablets, 3-4 times daily  or as prescribed by the Physician

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