For Dry, Productive, Allergic, Wheezing Cough, Throat Pain & Dryness
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Weight: 85 (gms)
Cattarrhal affections of the upper respiratory tract, Rhinorrhoea with Acute Laryngopharyngitis, Dry mucosa, Hollow barking or whistling Cough with Wheezing. An effective cough seda- tive Drops to relieve the Smoker’s Cough and bout of Cough in- stantly
Aconitum Napallus : Acute inflammation of throat with pain, tingling, burning, chocking cough
Gelsemium combats fever, headache, and spasms that frequently accompany bronchial infections, whooping cough and the flu.
Spongia tosta : Great dryness of all air-passages, Cough, dry, barking, croupy; larynx sensitive to touch. Chest weak; can scarcely talk. Cough abates after eating or drinking especially warm drinks. Chest weak can scarcely talk.
Camphora : Violent attacks of convulsive cough with nervous excitement, smokes cough
Justicia adhatoda : Dry cough from the sternal region extending all over the chest. Tickling in the throat pit causes cough. Cough with sneezing. Tightness across the chest.
5 to 10 drops 3-4 times daily mixed in little water or as prescribed by the physician
In Acute Cough 10 to 15 drops with little lukewarm water to be repeated 1/2 to 1 hourly, then 4 to 6 times a day or as prescribed by the physician
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