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Indo German Sino Care Drops (30 ml)

Indo German Sino Care Drops (30 ml)

Sinusitis, Congestion, Headache, Sneezing, Blocked Nose & Cheek Pain


₹180 ₹169
6.11 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
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  • Genuine
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Useful in

Form:      Drops

SINO CARE is a highly recommended combination for Sinusitis, Cold, Acute and Chronic Catarrh of Nose & Sinus, Formation of Polyp in Nose and Lack of Otfaction.

  • Arsenicum album : Thin, watery, excoriaing discharges. Nose feels stopped up. Sneezing without relief. Hay fever & coryza.
  • Calcarea carbonica : Takes cold at every change of weather. Stoppage of nose, with fetid odour, yellow discharge. 
  • Hydrastis canadensis: Watery, excoriating discharges. Tends to blow the nose all the time.
  • Kali bichromicum : Discharges thick, ropy, greenish- yellow. Loss of smell. Inflammation extends the frontal sinuses with distress & fullness at the root of nose.
  • Pulsatilla nigricans : Coryz , stoppage at right nostril.Pressing pain at the root of nose. Stoppage in the evening.

 10-15 drops in water thrice daily or as prescribed by the Physician.

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