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Indo German Uro Care Drops (30 ml)

Indo German Uro Care Drops (30 ml)

Relieves Burning while Passing Urine, Bloody Urine, pain urination, UTI


₹180 ₹169
6.11 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
  • Live Easy
Useful in

Form:     Drops

Weight:  88 (gms)

URO CARE is a recommended Homoeopathic preparation which helps to control inflammation of kidneys, Pain in the Sacral Region, Burning Micturition, Inflammation and Piercing pain in the Bladder and Yellow Urine Turbide. In Cystitis also it is very effective.

Berberis vulgaris : Colic radiating, shooting outwards, sticking, burning, smarting, sore, insensible to heat and cold. Urine greenish, blood red, with thick slimy mucus.

Cantharis :Violent & aggresive action on tissues, especially mucus membranes of the urinary tract

Equisetum hyemale : severe dull pain at the end of urine. Urine flows only drop by drop. Sharp, cutting pain in urethra while urinating.

Dulcamara : Must urinate when getting chilled. Strangury, painful micturition

Eupatorium purpureum : Soreness with pains while urination associated with bone pains.

10-15 drops in 10 ml water, 3-4 times a day.

In acute cystitis the dose should be taken every 1-2 hours. Revert to normal dosage as soon as improvement starts or as directed by the Physician.

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