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Lords Tone-Up Syrup (180 ml)

Lords Tone-Up Syrup (180 ml)

Tonic for Men. Restores stamina. For General Debility & Depression


₹215 ₹210
2.33 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
  • Live Easy
Useful in

Form:            Syrup

Weight:           355 (gms)

A restorive tonic

General debelity

Sexual neurasthenia

Nervous depression

Debility from exhausting discharges & loss of vital fluids.

  • Agnus Castus : For vitality, with corresponding mental depression and loss of nervous energy. No erections. Impotence. Parts cold, relaxed. Desire gone, scanty emission without ejaculation. Loss of prostatic fluid on straining. Gleety discharge. Testicles cold, swollen, hard & painful.
  • Damiana : Used in sexual neurasthenia, weakness from nervous prostration. Incontinence of old people. Chronic prostatic discharge.  Impotency.
  • Yohimbinum : It is of service in congestive conditions of the organs, It is good for Male genital functions. It helps to increase the physical strength. Strong & lasting erections. Neurasthenic impotency.
  • Lycopodium : No erectile power. Premature emission, Lacks vital heat; has poor circulation, cold extremities. Enlarged prostate complaints are relieved.
  • Acid Phos : Emissions at night and at stool. Stamina deficient, testicles tender and swollen. Parts relax during embrace. Debility with nervous exhaustion. 
  • Cinchona off : Frequent emissions, debility from exhausting discharges. Excited, lascivious fancy.
  • Avena Sativa : Nervous exhaustion, debility. Impotenct ater too much indulgence.
  • Viburnum Opulus : A general remedy for cramps. Colicky pains in pelvic organs. 

For adults only:1 teaspoon twice daily or as prescribed by the physician

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