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Medisynth Witch Hazel Cream (20 gm)

Medisynth Witch Hazel Cream (20 gm)

Sunburn, Acne, Aging Signs, Wrinkles, Pigmentation & Blotches


₹100 ₹96
4.00 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
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Useful in

Form:         Cream

Weight:       32 (gms)

Witch Hazel is made with homoeopathic ingredients which have been used and tested for several generations for the care and protection of sensitive skin. The main ingredients Witch Hazel and Calendula are best known in homoeopathic practice as the great vulneraries which act as a sunscreen to protect the skin from sunburn and its regular use helps to lighten sunburnt and over-exposed skins. The cream tones up the facial skin and muscles to help smooth away wrinkles pouches and crows-feet. 

Hamamelis Virginica: Helpful in cases of Varicose veins and acne. 

Calendula Officinalis: Acts as a sunscreen to protect the skin from sunburn and its regular use helps to lighten sunburnt and over-exposed skins.

Apply locally two times a day or as prescribed by the physician

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