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New Life Phytocin-Drops (30 ml)

New Life Phytocin-Drops (30 ml)

Helps in managing extra Weight, Water Retention,


₹150 ₹108
28.00 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
  • Live Easy
Useful in

Form:            Drops

Weight:          85 (gms)


Tendency to weight

Obesity due to faulty endocrine secretions

Post pregnancy weight gain

Reduces abnormal growth of flush on body

Ammonium mur: Body large & fat but legs too thin. 

 Capsicum : Suit especially persons of lax fiber, weak; diminished vital heat. A relaxed plethoric sluggish, cold remedy. 

Graphites : First the peculiar tendency to obesity.

Calcarea Carbonia : Muscles soft and flabby, The young who grow too fast and heavy.

Antimonium Crudum : Tendency to grow fat.

Phytolacca Decandra : Rheumatism of abdominal muscles & the treatment of obesity.

Thyroidinum: Tendency to obesity with thyroid derangements.

Child: 10-15 drops in 1/4th cup of water, 3-4 times daily or as prescribed by the physician

Adult: 20-30 drops  in 1/4th cup of water, 3-4 times daily or as prescribed by the physician

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