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New Life Rheumacin Drops (30 ml)

New Life Rheumacin Drops (30 ml)

Joints Stiffness, Sciatica, Joints Pain & Cervical Spondylitis


₹120 ₹105
12.50 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
  • Live Easy
Useful in

Form:            Drops

Weight:          80 (gms)

  • Pain in joints, shoulder, arms, hand knees. 
  • Stiffness and immobility of joints, stiff-neck, pain in limbs, along with lumbar cervical region, dull pain across loin, sharp pain in wrist and fingers, tingling in limbs, Inflammation of great toe, Gout in heels, sharp shifting rheumatic pain in the parts of body
  • Parts sore to touch, enlarged inflammed & gouty joints
  • Guaiacum: Gouty pains, tearing and lancinating; worse from motion, heat, cold wet weather, touch and pressure. Nodosities of joints and contraction of muscles.
  • Bryonia cretica acts against drawing, tearing and stitching pains in the muscles. It also regulates the impaired temperature of the body and inflammation developed in the muscles and extremities in each movement makes the pains worse. An important remedy for gout, rheumatism of the limbs and joints.
  • Colchicum autumnale is a reliable medication against inflammatory dyspeptic stomach and intestinal disturbances. It is much more well known as a gout medication and helps treat arthritic conditions in the small joints and lumbar region.
  • 20 drops 3 to 4 times a day with water or as prescribed by the physician

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