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New Life Tonsilocin Tablets (25 gm)

New Life Tonsilocin Tablets (25 gm)

Tonsilitis, Pain in Throat, Sore Throat, Pharyngitis Lowers Mild to High Temperature


₹100 ₹96
4.00 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
  • Live Easy
Useful in

Form:            Tablet

  • Tonsils, follicular enlargement & inflammation
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Greyish patches or spots in the throat & tonsils
  • Sore throat, throat feels constricted
  • Tickling short dry cough
  • Pharynx feels sore
  • Fever & Vomiting due to tonsilitis
  • Belladonna: Enlarged tonsils with redness. Burning, dryness and a sense of constriction in the throat.
  • Baryta Carbonica: Scrofulous children, who are physically dwarfish and do not grow and develop normally. Tonsils always swollen. Catarrh of posterior nares. Takes cold easily. Suppurating tonsils from every cold. Smarting pain, when swallowing. Can swallow only liquids. Stinging pain in the tonsils.
  • Hepar Sulphur Calcareum: In chilly patients, it helps in overcoming the tendency to sore throat and throbbing pain in the throat. Sensation of a plug or a splinter in the throat while swallowing. Patient perspires though feeling chilly.
  • Kali Muriaticum : Tonsils inflamed; enlarged so much, can hardly breathe. Follicular tonsilitis. Hospital sore throat.
  • Ferrum Phophoricum : Ulcerated sore throat. Tonsils red and swollen. Sore throat of singers. First stage of diptheria.

1 Tablet 4 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

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