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REPL Dr Advice No.154 African Oil (30 ml)

REPL Dr Advice No.154 African Oil (30 ml)

Oil to Improve Penis Health, Erectile Dysfunction


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
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Useful in

Form:           Drops

Weight:         50 (gms)

Massage oil to improve penis health, Erectile dysfunction, Masturbation habit, Male impotence.

  • Chimaphilla : Smarting in urethra from neck of bladder to meatus. 
  • Belladonna :  Nocturnal sweat of genitals. Flow of prostatic fluid. Desire diminished.  
  • Agnus :  No erections. Parts cold, relaxed. Desire gone. Scanty emission without ejaculation.  
  • Yohimbinum : Helps in Strong and lasting erections.  
  • Withania somnifera (Aswgandha):  Helpful in low stamina and power.  

10 drops in some water 5-6 times or as prescribed by the Physician

 The required quantity of oil and by applying the same do slight massages on the penis and after the massage avoid to touch from water. Continue the same practice up to 3 months regularly 10 drops in some hot water 5-6 times or as prescribed by the Physician

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