Vision problems & Floaters infront of the Eyes
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Weight: 50 (gms)
Night Blindness
Vitreous floater
Flashes of light
Contraction of pupils
Partial blindness
Calcarea Carbonicaostrearum : Sensitive to light, Lachrymation in the open air and early morning.
Phosphorus : Lachrymation especiaiy in the open air. Amblyopic weakness of sight on walks in morning.
Physostigma Venenosum : Eyes feels weak with lechery motion. Sight blurred.
Cinchona (China) officinalis : Pressure in eyes.
Aurum Metallicum : Extreme photophobia.
Jaborandi :Vision changing constantly. Vision loss for distant objects.
Silicea : Vision confused letter run together on reading.
Cyclemen Europaeum : Dim Vision, Flickering of various colors.
Gelsemium Sempervirens : Aversion to light, Thirst for light, confusion of sight.
Adult:- 10-15 Drops with some water 3 times daily for six months or as prescribed by the Physician
Child:- Half of the Adult's dose or as prescribed by the Physician
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