Breathlessness, Chest Pain Due to Dry Cough, Hawking & Sore Throat
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Weight: 50 (gms)
Bronchioles inflammed & irritated
cough with sputum
Aconitinum Napellus : Painful pricking in the chest, chiefly when breathing. Pleurisy and pneumonia.
Ipecacuanha : Spasm in the chest, palpitation of the heart.
Antimonium Tartaricum : Rattling of the chest when breathing. Inflammation of the lungs.
Bryonia Alba : Heat in the chest (Pleurisy, Pneumonia).
Natrum Sulphuricum : Shootings in chest and sides of chest which are painful, esp when coughing.
Lycopodium : Short respiration during almost every effort, also in children.
Cimicifuga Recemosa (Actaea Rac.) : Night cough, dry, constant, short every attempt to speak.
Adult:- 10-15 Drops with boiled water in every 3 hours or as prescribed by the Physician
In chronic condition the same dose every one hour or as prescribed by the Physician
Children:-Half of the Adult's dose or as prescribed by the Physician
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