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REPL Dr Advice No.28 Colitis (30 ml)

REPL Dr Advice No.28 Colitis (30 ml)

Stool with Mucus and Blood, Intestinal Cramps Frequent Urge for Stool


₹170 ₹161
5.29 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
  • Live Easy
Useful in

Form:           Drops

Weight:         50 (gms)

Mucous containig frequent stools

Left pelvic abdominal cramping pain




Infalmmed colon

     Sulphur 200x: Discharge of liquid from anus.

      Argentum Nitricum 30x: As soon as the last drink is taken, it goes through.

      Cantharis 6x: Nocturnal evacuation of whitish mucus, and solid pieces.

      Colchicum 6x:  Colitis of white transparent gelatinous mucus, ineffectual pressing to stool.

      Dioscorea Villosa Q: Loose stool with much straining, stool slimy.

      Magnesia Carbonica 6x: Stools with white floating lumps, like yellow.

      Mercurius Solubillis 6x: Loose and dysenteric evacuation, principally at night.

      Balsmum Peruvianum 6x: Copious liquid stool, Painless.

      Kali Muriaticum 6x: Colitis, purging, with slimy stools, with pale yellow.

10-15 drops in some water 5 times a day or as prescribed by the Physician

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