Corneal Opacities, Blurred Vision, Difficult Reading & Eye strain
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Weight: 50 (gms)
Eye lens opacity
Diabetic retinopathy
Viterous floaters.
Calcarea Fluorica : Cataract, Flickering, and sparks before the eyes.
Calcarea Phosporica : Lachrymation, Cataract, Sensation in the eyes as if something in if.
Causticum : Darknets which seems to dance before the eyes. Lights and sparks before the eyes.
Silicea : Objects seem to be pals when reading.
Colchicum : Pupil much dilated only slightly sensitive to light.
Cannabis Indica : Letters run to get her when reading.
Thiosinaminum : Opacities of cornea cataract.
Phosphorus : Clouded sight by candlelight Cataract Viridis.
10-10 drops in some water 3-6 times a day or as prescribed by the Physician
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