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REPL Dr Advice No.55 Hepatitis (30 ml)

REPL Dr Advice No.55 Hepatitis (30 ml)

Fatty and Weak Liver with Pain and Soreness


₹170 ₹161
5.29 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Useful in

Form:           Drops

Weight:         50 (gms)


e action of this drug is centered in the liver, and portal system, causing soreness, pain, jaundice and hepatic disease. Covering many of the direct reflex symptoms of disease.

      Chelidonium Majus : Shooting stitching through the liver to back, Crampy pain inner age.

      Lycopodium : Pressure and tension in the liver. Sharp pain in the dorsal hepatic region.

      Chamomilla : Sensation of pulling and cuttings in the abdomen, with constant movement in the intestine.

      Carduus Marianus : Liver region sensitive to pressure.

      Bryonia Alba : Inflammation of the liver.

      Natrum Sulphuratum : Painful sensitiveness of the hepatic region to the touch, during a walk.

      Magnesia Muriatic : Tension and shooting in hepatic region, affections of hypochondrium.

10-14 drops in some water4 times a day or as prescribed by the Physician

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