Suffocation, Anxiety, Constant Fear, Tension, Confusion & Anger
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Weight: 50 (gms)
The medicine especially adapted to the nervous temperament. Mentally, the emotional element is uppermost, and coordination
Moschos : Great absence of mind, sometimes with confused speech, fretful mind.
Ignatia Amara : Anxious to do now this, now that Impatience- Strong disposition to do frightened.
Nux Moschata : Great inclination to laugh, sometimes with a stupid look, as if imbecile.
Zincum Valerianum : Great fullness of head, with difficult thinking, Distressed mentally, mind all mixed up.
Cimicifuga Racemosacina (Actaea racemosa) : Power peral mania- Suicidal –Incessant talking, fear of death
10-15 drops in some water every hour or as prescribed by the Physician
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