5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Weight: 50 (gms)
The medicine acts on the vermiform appendix.
Pain in right side of abdomen, Tenderness, constipation, Vomiting & belching.
Colocynthis : Sensation as if stone were being found together in the abdomen.
Iris Tenax : Deathly sensation at stomach- pit, vomiting of very green bile.
Belladonna : Excessive tenderness of the abdomen, which can not bear the slightest touch
Bryonia Alba : Tenderness of abdominal walls, worse pressure.
Dioscorea Villosa : Griping, cramping pains in the umbilical region, stomach & small intestine.
Mercurius Solubillis : Boring pain in the right groin, Bile secreted deficiently.
Lachesis : Cannot wear anything around the waist abdomen sensation painful.
Lycopodium : Pain shooting across lower abdomen from right to left.
Plumbum Metallicum : Very violent pains in the abdomen. Hard nodosities in abdomen.
Magnesia Phosphorica : Flatulent colic, forcing patent to bend double with belching of gas
5-10 Drops with some water for 5 to 6 times or as prescribed by the Physician
In acute cases 5-10 Drops with some water every 30 minutes or as prescribed by the Physician
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