Burning Pain in Stomach, Vomiting, Acidity & Gas Troubles
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Weight: 50 (gms)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Epigastric burn & pain
Peptic ulcer
Acid fluids
Acid corrosion.
Abies Nigra : Stomach feel as if swimming in the water, feel cold.
Carica Papaya : Full of wind and distended. There is a loss of appetite. Abdomen
Ferrum Iodatum : Sour and bitter rising for own stomach. Rising up in the throat of greasy, acrid, stinging taste.
Graphites : Pressure in the stomach, worse eating. Sometime after. The region is of the stomach very sensitive to pressure.
Nux Vomica : Wait and pain in the stomach, worse eating. Sometime after. The region is of the stomach very sensitive to pressure.
Robina Pseudacacia : Sour stomach, dull, heavy, aching dullness in stomach.
Iris Versicolor : Great burning distress in epigastrium. Mouth & stomach feel on fire.
Lycopodium : Eating ever so little creates fullness. Incomplete burning eructations rise only to the pharynx, there burn rise houres.
Pulsatilla : Frequent eructations with the taste of what has been eaten. A sensation of sickness in perigastric suction, especially eating and drinking.
Sulphur : Drinks much, But eat little. Desire for sweets. Heaviness in stomach feeling of weight.
5-10 Drops with half cup water three times daily after meal or as prescribed by the Physician
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