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REPL Dr Advice No.72 Nervous Break Down (30 ml)

REPL Dr Advice No.72 Nervous Break Down (30 ml)

Suffocation, Anxiety, Constant Fear, Tension, Confusion & Anger


₹170 ₹161
5.29 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
  • Live Easy
Useful in

Form:           Drops

Weight:         50 (gms)

Nervous break down

Tension or fear

Unstable mental state

Mental & physical fatigue

Lack of will power

Brain fag

      Kali Phosphoricum : Feet cold, weak tired, with pains in legs and back, numb.

      Argentum Nitricum : Lassitude of lower limbs with dizziness as if intoxicated. Mental anxiety.

      Picricum Acidum : Numbness and crawling in legs with trembling and pricking as from needle. Nervous feeling, back of will power.

      Natrum Muriaticum : Paralytic weakness of legs, Melancholy sadness, Brain fag with sleeplessness.

      Ignatia Amara : Coldness of the feet and legs, Great weakness of memory. Great heaviness of the head.

      Zincum Phosphoratum : “Hale” has used if on a  combination of the indication of the elements and especially in brain fag of freshness men.

      Acidum Phosphoricum : Weakness of legs, so that a false sleep occasion falling.

      Avena Sativa : Nervous exhaustion, General debility Nervous palpitation.

10-15 drops in some water 4-5 times a day or as prescribed by the Physician

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