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SBL Berberis Vulgaris 1X (Q) (30 ml) (30 ml)

SBL Berberis Vulgaris 1X (Q) (30 ml) (30 ml)

Renal calculi, Arthritic pains, lumbago, Urinary incontinence, Gall stones, Rheumatism


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:         Drops

Rapid change of symptoms-pains change in regard to place and character-thirst alternates with thirstlessness, hunger, and loss of appetite, etc. Acts forcibly on the venous system, producing pelvic engorgements and haemorrhoids.

Hepatic, and rheumatic affections, particularly with urinary, haemorrhoidal and menstrual complaints.

Old gouty constitutions. Pain in region of kidneys is most marked; hence its use in renal and vesical troubles, gall-stones, and vesical catarrh. It causes inflammation of kidneys with haematuria. Pains may be felt all over body, emanating from small of back. It has also marked action on the liver, promoting the flow of bile. Often called for in arthritic affections with urinary disturbances. Wandering, radiating pains. Acts well in fleshy persons, good livers, but with little endurance. Spinal irritation. All Berberis pains radiate, are not worse by pressure, but worse in various attitudes, especially standing and active exercise.

Biliary colic, Bladder & urinary affection, Gall-stone colic, Renal colic, Rheumatism

Take 15 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

  • Bruised pain with numbness, stiffness in kidney region & in small of back
  • Soreness of the kidney, bubbling sensation, worse from jar & motion
  • Backache worse when sitting & lying especially when lying on bed in morning
  • Sensation of numbness, stiffness & lameness with painful pressure in lumbar & renal region
  • Wandering, radiating pain from one part to another especially along the course of left kidney
  • Stitching pain in liver & gallbladder, shooting up to the left shoulder worse by pressure
  • Fistula in ano alternating with chest symptoms
  • Gall stone colic followed by jaundice
  • Urine: Greenis, bloody, turbid & full of slimy mucus
  • Arthritic pains with radiating pains from one joint to other with weakness. Sticking smarting arthritic pains in the joints.


  • Worse: motion, standing, walking or arriage, riding, sudden jerking & mooving

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