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SBL Bio Combination 1 (25 gm)

SBL Bio Combination 1 (25 gm)

Anaemia, Lack of Appetite, Pain in Abdomen & Weakness


₹110 ₹99
10.00 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
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Useful in

Form:        Tablet



  • General tiredness 
  • Waxy appearance of Skin 
  • Mental Depression, Worry, Physical Exhaustion, Weakness
  • Poor digestion in children.
  • Shortness of breath on exertion,
  • Giddiness
  • Headache
  • Pallor (especially pallor of the mucous membranes and of the palms of the hands)
  • Palpitations
  • Oedema of the ankles
  • Occasionally in older people angina pectoris. 
  • Calcarea Phosphorica : It is essential ingredient of our body with special affinity for albumen and bones. It has been found useful for anemia in peevish, flabby and feeble digestion It assists digestion helps in forming a robust body. It is a tissue salt associated with nutrition. Pressing pains, Itching, weakness with numbness in body parts 

    Ferrum Phosphoricum : It gives strength and toughness to the circular walls of the blood vessels, especially the arteries, and helps with a lack of blood corpuscles as in low hemoglobin and also as a first aid remedy for hemorrhages It goes right into the cells to help with oxygenation.

    Natrum Muriaticum : Increases production of red blood cells and albumin, a protein found in animal and vegetable tissues. It is known to cause anemia if taken in excess. Anaemic headache, numbness and tingling associated with low haemoglobin. 

    Kalium Phosphoricum : Numbness of the limbs, upper and lower, hands and finger tips, feet and legs. Prostration, weak, tired feeling, to overcome mental and physical weakness. 

  • 4 tablets  four times a day. or as prescribed by the physician

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