Gums are spongy swollen and inflamed; they bleed easily.
Pusin the gums foul breath.
Gum boil, gums sensitive to cold,
Unnatural looseness of the teeth, toothache, abscess at root of teeth,
Spongy bleeding gums
Pus in gums and foul breath.
Calcarea fluorica: Gum-boil, with hard swelling on the jaw, toothache, with pain if any food touches the tooth.Unnatural looseness of teeth with or without pain, teeth becomes loose in their socket, toothache. Deficiency of fluoride weakens the enamel and sensitiveness of teeth becomes high; it cannot tolerate cold, heat, sour or touch. Swelling of jaw bone is relieved and chances of suppuration are lowered.
Silicea: Gums sensitive to cold air. Boils on gums. Abscess at root of teeth. Sensitive to cold water. Imperfect assimilation, defective nutrition, caries & abscess. It arrests suppurative processes and useful in ailments linked with pus formation.
Calcarea sulphurica: arrests the suppurative process. It has the power to arrest multiplication of infection and eliminate those present. Yellowish purulent secretions, offensive smell, ulcers, abscesses etc. Sour, soapy, acrid taste in mouth. Yellow coating at base of teeth.
4 tablets four times a day. or as prescribed by the physician
Disclaimer The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Homeopathic, Ayurvedic, Unani and other products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity under the guidance of a physician. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.