Anaemia, Weakness & Fatigue & Poor Nutrition
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Syrup
Ferrum Phosphoricum: Ferrum phosphoricum increases haemoglobin. Useful in pale, anaemic subjects with violent local congestions. Haemorrhagic diathesis- bright red, coagulable blood from any orifice.
Kali Phosphoricum: is effective against cerebral anaemia, an anaemic condition of the brain causing undue nervousness and spinal anaemia resulting from exhausting diseases such as diphtheria, reflex paraplegia with aching pains.
Natrum Phosphoricum: is a salt found in the blood, muscles, nerve and braincells. Natrum phosphoricum is the best remedy for conditions arising from excess of lactic acid.
Ferrum metallicum increases all power feelings, the thermoregulation and cares for the possibility to use the iron coming from the food.
Cinchona officinalis: stands for big weakness and acts together with Ceanothus against swellings of the liver and spleen. The heart action is disbalanced. The anemia turns up by all bad states of the middle organs.
Adults: 1 teaspoonful, 4 times a day or as prescribed by the physician
Children: ½ teaspoonful, 4 times a day or as prescribed by the physician
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