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SBL Iodium 1X (Q) (30 ml) (30 ml)

SBL Iodium 1X (Q) (30 ml) (30 ml)

Used in Glandular swelling, Hydrocele, Joint pains, Emaciation, Pimple, Pneumonia


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Useful in

Form:         Drops

Rapid metabolism is characteristic with loss of flesh and a great appetite. Increased appetite and thirst. Generally better after eating. Affections of the glands. Craving for cold air. Weakness and loss of breath on climbing.

Appetite disorders, Atrophy, Constipation, Cough, Debility, Diptheria, Goitre, Glandular affection, Headache, Jaundice,  Rickets, Menstrual disorders, Pneumonia, Leucorrhoea

Take 15 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

  • Hoarseness. Has to grasp the throat when coughing. Sputum streaked with blood.
  • Constipation, with ineffectual urging; better by drinking cold milk.
  • Loss of sexual power, with atrophied testes
  • Thyroid enlarged. Goitre, with sensation of constriction.
  • Loss flesh, yet hungry and eating well
  • Forgetful. Must be busy.
  • Fear of people, shuns every one. 

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