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SBL Medorrhinum30 CH (30 ml)

SBL Medorrhinum 30 CH (30 ml)

Offensive smell, breast pain, warts, ear pain, Ovarian pain, Gout, Asthma, Pneumonia, Gonorrhoea


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Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                     Drops

Common Name:   The Gonorrhoeal Virus

It is a powerful deep acting medicine; indicated for chronic ailments due to suppressed gonorrhoea. It affects the mind; nerves; mucous membranes; is useful for chronic pelvic disorders of women; for dwarfish and stunted, sour smelling children. Profuse acrid discharges, causing itching. Fishy odours of the secretions. Offensive odour of the body esp. children and women. Poor reaction due to sycotic taint. Many different kinds of pain; stiffness, aching; soreness, oedema of limbs; dropsy of serous sacs. Emaciation. Trembling all over (subjective); intense nervousness and profound exhaustion. Numbness; formication, internal. Arthritic; rheumatic pains. Diseases of the spinal cord, even organic lesions ending in paralysis. Enlargement of the lymphatic glands all over the body; with heat and soreness. Loss of power in the joints; joints feel loose. Burning. Small very sore aphthae; blisters. State of collapse, wants to be fanned all the time. Tumours, cancer, scirrhus etc.; with history of sycosis. Body smells bad to her, cannot wash.


Asthma. Clonic spasms. Corns. Diabetes. Dysmenorrhoea. Epilepsy. Eyes, inflammation of. Favus. Gleet. Gonorrhoea, suppressed. Gonorrhoeal rheumatism. Headache, neuralgic. Liver, abscess of. Masturbation. Ovaries, pains in. Pelvic cellulitis. Polypi. Priapism. Psoriasis palmaris. Ptosis. Renal colic. Rheumatism. Sciatica. Shoulder, pains in. Stricture. Urticaria. Warts.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • For the constitutional effects of mal-treated and suppressed gonorrhoea, when the best selected remedy fails to relieve or permanently improve.

  • For persons suffering from gout, rheumatism, neuralgia and diseases of the spinal cord and its membranes - even organic lesions ending in paralysis - which can be traced to a sycotic origin.

  • For women, with chronic ovaritis, salpingitis, pelvic cellulitis, fibroids, cysts, and other morbid growths of the uterus and ovaries, especially if symptoms point to malignancy, with or without sycotic origin.

  • For scirrhus, carcinoma or cancer, with acute or chronic in development, when the symptoms correspond and a history of sycosis can be traced. Bears the same relation in deep-seated sycotic chronic affections of spinal and sympathetic nervous system that Psorinum does to deep-seated affections of skin and mucous membranes.

  • Children, pale, rachitic; dwarfed and stunted in growth; mentally, dull and weak.

  • Great heat and soreness, with enlargement of lymphatic glands all over body.

  • Consumptive languor; fatigue; great general depression of vitality.

  • Pains: arthiritic, rheumatic, in a sequel of suppressed gonorrhoea; constricting, seem to tighted the whole body; sore all over, as if bruised

  • Trembling all over (subjective), intense nervousness and profound exhaustion.

  • State of collapse, want to be fanned all the time; craves fresh air; skin cold, yet throws off the covers; bold and bathed with cold perspiration
  • Mind- Weakness of memory; cannot remember names, words or initial letters; has to ask name of most intimate fried; even forgets his own name. Cannot spell correctly; wonders how a well-known name is spelled. Constantly loses the thread of conversation. Great difficulty in stating her symptoms, question has to be repeated as she loses herself. Cannot speak without weeping. Anticipates death; always anticipating, feels matters most senstively before they occur and generally correctly. Irritated at trifles; cross during the day, exhilarated at night. Very impatient; peevish. Anxious, nervous, extremely sensitive; starts at the least sound. Time passes too slowly. Is in a great hurry; when doing anything is in such a hurry she gets fatigued. Many symptoms are worse when thinking of them
  • Head- Intense burning pain in brain, worse in cerebellum; extends down spine. Head feels heavy and is drawn backwards. Sensation of tightness and contraction; extends down whole length of spine. Headache and diarrhoea from jarring of ears.
  • Throat- Sensation s if she had taken a severe cold, with distressing aching in bones; throat sore and swollen, deglutition of either liquids or solids impossible. Throat constantly filled thick, gray or bloody mucus from posterior nares
  • Appetite- Ravenous hunger immediately after eating. Constant thirst, even dreams she is drinking. Insatiate craving: for liquor, which before she hated; for salt; sweets; for ale, ice, acids, oranges, green fruit.
  • Bowels- Stools: tenacious, clay-like, sluggish, cannot strain froma sensation of prolapse of rectum. Constriction and inertia of bowels with ball-like stools. Can only pass stool by leaning very far back; very painful, as if there was a lump on posterior surface of sphincter; so painful as to cause tears. Sharp, needle-like pains in rectum. Oozing of moisture from anus, feted odor of fish brine.
  • Urinary Organs- Sever pain (backache) in renal region, better by profuse urination. Renal colic; intense pain in ureters, with sensation of passage of calculus; craving for ice. Nocturnal enuresis: passes enormous quantity of ammoniacal, high colored urine in bed every night; worse by over-work or over-play, extremes of heat or cold, when the best selected remedy fails; with a history of sycosis. Painful tenesmus of bladder and bowels when urinating.
  • Sexual Organs- Menses; profuse, very dark, clotted; stains difficult to wash out. Metrorrhagia: at climacteric; profuse for weeks, flow dark clotted, offensive; in gushes, on moving; with malignant disease of uterus. Intense menstrual colic, with drawing up of knees and terrible bearing down labor-like pains; must press feet against support, as in labor. Intensive pruritis of labia and vagina worse by thinking of it. Breasts and nipples sore and sensitive to touch. Breasts cold as ice to touch, especially the nipples, rest of body warm (during menses).
  • Respiratory Organs- Asthma: choking caused by a weakness or spasm of epiglottis; larynx stopped so that no air could enter, only better by lying on face and protruding tongue. Soreness of larynx as if ulcerated. Dyspnoea and sense of constriction; can inhale with ease, but no power to exhale. Cough: dry, incessant, sever; painful, as if mucous membrane was torn from larynx; deep, hollow, like coughing in a barrel; worse at night, from sweets, on lying down; > by lying on stomach. Sputa: albuminous, frothy; small, green, bitter balls; viscid, difficult to raise. Incipient consumption; severe pains in middle lobes.
  • Back and Extremities- Pain in back between scapulae; whole length of spine sore to touch. Intense burning heat, beginning in nape of neck and extending down spine, with a contractive stiffness, worse by stretching. Rheumatism of top of shoulder and arm; pains extend to fingers, worse by motion. Lumber vertebrae painful and sensitive to touch. Pain in sacrum, coccyx, and back of hips running around and down limbs. Pains in legs, from hips to knees; only when walking. Heaviness of legs, feel like lead; walking very difficult, legs are so heavy, legs give way. Lower limbs ache all night, preventing sleep. Intensely restless and fidgety legs and feet. Terrible suffering in legs and arms during an electrical storm. Aching in legs, with inability to keep them still in bed, worse when giving up control of himself, when relaxing, in trying to sleep. Coldness of legs and feet; of hands and forearms. Drawing, contracting sensation in hamstrings and ankles; cramps in calves and soles. Ankles easily turn when walking. Burning of hands and feet, wants them uncovered and fanned. Almost entire loss of nervous force in legs and arms; exhausted by slightest effort. Painful stiffness of every joint in body. Deformity of finger joints; large, puffy, knuckles; swelling and painful stiffness of ankles; great tenderness of heels and balls of feet; swellings of all joints are puffy, like windgalls.


  • Worse: when thinking of ailment, from daylight to sunset, heat, inland.
  • Better:  at the seashore, lying on stomach, damp weather 

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