For Acidity, Morning & Travel sickness, vomiting, Worms
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Tablets
Common Name: Phosphate of Soda
This remedy is useful for conditions arising from excess of lactic acid, as a result of too much sugar. It affects duodenum; bile ducts, mesenteric glands and genitals. SOURNESS; eructations, vomiting, stomach, stools, leucorrhoea; expectoration, sweats etc. Ailments with excess of acidity. Infants who have been fed to excess, with milk and sugar. Deep yellow, creamy; discharges. Debility. Pricking sensation. Tightness of muscles and tendons. Jaundice (1x Trit.). Oxaluria. Worms. Swelling of lymphatic glands. Ill effects of mental exertion or sexual vices or both. Marasmus of bottle fed babies. Trembling and palpitation from thunderstorms. Cracking in joints. Nervousness; tired feeling. Leucocytosis.
Acidity (infants). Conjunctivitis. Diabetes. Dyspepsia. Enteralgia. Erysipelas. Gastralgia. Glands, scrofulous swelling of. Goitre. Gout. Intertrigo. Leucocytosis. Leucorrhoea. Morphinomania. Phthisis. Post-nasal catarrh. Rheumatism. Scrofula. Sighing. Sterility. Threadworms. Urticaria. Worms.
4-6 tablets, 4 times a day, or as prescribed by the physician
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