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SBL Sanguinaria Canadensis 1X (Q) (30 ml)

SBL Sanguinaria Canadensis 1X (Q) (30 ml)

Headache, Tonsillitis, Hot Flushes, Dry Cough, Nasal Polyp, Corn & Pneumonia


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:         Drops

Is a right-sided remedy pre-eminently, and affects chiefly the mucous membranes, especially of the respiratory tract. It has marked vaso-motor disturbances, as seen in the circumscribed redness of the cheeks, flashes of heat, determination of blood to head and chest, distention of temporal veins, burning in palms and soles, and has been found very applicable to climacteric disorders. Burning sensations, like from hot water. Influenzal coughs. Phthisis. Sudden stopping of catarrh of respiratory tract followed by diarrhœa. Burning in various parts is characteristic.

Alcoholism, Asthma, Breast afeections, Bronchitis, Cancer, Catarrh, Chest affections, Cold, Dyspepsia, Headache, Influenza, Menstrual disorders, Pneumonia, Rheumatism, Vomiting, Whooping cough

Take 15 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

  •  Pain especially right sided from exposure to heat of sun with marked periodicity. Dull, sick headache where pain begins in the occiput, spreads upwardsand extend over the eyes, especially on the right side with distended veins at the temples. Headache better by lying down and sleep. climacteric headaches which returns every seventh day.
  • Highly chilly patient, very much susceptible to cold, even gets affected by change of weather
  • Circumscribed redness of cheeks especially in the afternoon & respiratory diseases
  • Rheumatism of right shoulder, left hip-joint and nape of neck. Rheumatic pains in places least covered by flesh; not in joints soles of feet burn.
  • Swelling and oedema of the larynx with soreness of the trachea. Loss of voice or hoarseness.
  • Cough with burning pain in the chest and of gastric origin which is better by eructation. Thick tough, rust-colored and offensive sputum which is difficult to expel.


  • Worse: sweets, right side, motion, touch.
  • Better:  acids, sleep, darkness.

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