Warts, Overgrowth of Tissues, Stiff Joints, Brown Spots on Skin, Vaccination, Diarrhoea & Constipation
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Acts on skin, blood, gastro-intestinal tract, kidneys, and brain. Its relation to the production of pathological vegetations condylomate, warty excrescences, spongy tumors is very important. Moist mucous tubercles. Bleeding fungus growths. Nævus. Excess of venosity.
The main action of Thuja is on the skin and genito-urinary organs, producing conditions that correspond with Hahnemann's sycotic dyscrasia, whose chief manifestation is the formation of wart-like excrescences upon mucous and cutaneous surfaces-fig-warts and condylomata. Has a specific antibacterial action, as in gonorrhœa and vaccination. Suppressed gonorrhœa, salpingitis. Ill-effects of vaccination. Sycotic pains, i.e, tearing in muscles and joints, worse at rest, better in dry weather, worse damp humid atmosphere; lameness. Hydrogenoid constitutions, whose blood is morbidly hydroscopic, so that damp air and water are inimical. Complaints from moonlight. Rapid exhaustion and emaciation. Left-sided and chilly medicine. Variola, aborts the pustule and prevents the suppurating fever. Vaccinosis, viz, inveterable skin troubles, neuralgia, etc.
Abdominal distended, Abortion, Angina Pectoris, Asthma, Cancer, Chorea, Condylomata, Constipation, Convulsions, Diarrhoea, Epilepsy, Eye affections, Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Haemorrhoids, Headache, Polyp, Prostatic disorders, Rheumatism, Tea bad effects of, Teeth affections, Urinary affection, Vaccination, Warts, Whooping cough
Take 15 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician
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