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SBL Tinospora Cordifolia 1X (Q) (30 ml)

SBL Tinospora Cordifolia 1X (Q) (30 ml)

Improve sperm count, WBC count, Relieve Burning, For Immunity, Allergy, Jaundice, Indicated in enlarged spleen


₹110 ₹103
6.36 %off
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Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                   Drops

Common Name:  Giloy

Family:                 Menispermaceae

It is an Indian plant, found throughout the warmer parts of India. Giloy, is mainly useful in lowering the temperature of body, for raised temperature where it helps by regulating and monitoring the temperature. It is an immumo modulator, and helps in improving the immunity of the person by combatting and fighting against a disease and increasing the resistance power of the body. It build Inner strength against germs and viruses. It helps to improve the WBC count. It is useful in enlarged spleen. It purify blood and removes the toxins and checks the acne, pimple, psoriasis and eczema troubles.

Seminal debility; fevers, esp. in intermittent fevers; jaundice; splenic affections; leprosy; leucorrhoea; rheumatism; skin diseases; secondary syphilis, genito-urinary troubles such as gonorrhoea, dysurea, etc.[2] It is also indicated in enlarged spleen and elephantiasis.

Take 15 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

Head and Mind: It is used as a brain tonic, as it helps to improve the concentration and memory to recall and recollect things. It is used in complaints of forgetfullness and headache, migraine complaints.

Nose and Throat: It significantly decreases sneezing and nasal itching, discharge, and stuffy nose.

Male complaints: It tones the reproductive organs and improves the sperm motility and sperm count.

Fever: Acute or chronic malarial fever; temperature rises in the afternoon with chill and shivering, bilious vomiting with thirst and headache. Chronic slow fever with history of gonorrhoea and weakness due to seminal loss. Bad effect of quinine which causes continuation of fever with burning in hands face; jaundice, etc. It is reported to increase platelet count and reduce the body temperature in short duration particularly in fever.

 Urine: Frequent passage of small quantity of urine with burning while urinating; urine mixed with pus. Constant desire to pass urine.

Heart: Excessive palpitation.

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