Chest pain, Irregular Heart Beat, Breathlessness & Palpitations
Form: Drops
Preventive care for potential heart problem, as an adjunct to cardiac therapies. Improves blood circulation in arteriosclerosis, arrhythmias, palpitation and menopausal syndrome
Strophanthus his : It increases the contractile power of all striped muscles. used with advantage to tone the heart. Hearts action weak, rapid irregular, due to muscular debility.
Valeriana Officinalis : Useful in hysterical patients with coldness of body.
Cactus: Oppression with symptoms of angina pectoris. Strong pulse, suffocation.
Aurum Mur Nat : Useful in patients with mild degree high blood pressure.
Convallaria: Increases energy of heart's action makes it more regular.
Camphora : Helps in cases of sinking feeling ,small & weak pulse & coldness of whole body.
Crataegus: Myodegeneratio cordis with cardiac weakness; enfeeblement of the heart during infectious diseases. Painful spasms; hypotension; tendency towards decompensation; functional irregularities.
20-30 drops, three times daily or as prescribed by the physician
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