Colic in Infants, Children, Gas in Abdomen & Irritability
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Weight: 90 (gms)
Colic in infants & children, Gas in abdomen
Adbdomen may appear hard & distended, irrtability & crying, poor appetite, restless sleep
Chamomilla vulgaris: The baby is very irritable, cross, uncivil. Child cannot bear any one near him and cannot bear to be spoken to. Child may suffer from diarrhoea during dentition which is greenish, hot, very offensive like rotten eggs.
Magnesium phosphoricum : Colicky pain in abdomen, forcing to bend double, relieved by heat & warmth, rubbing & hard pressure. All short of pains especially cramping, shooting like a lightning.Pains are sharp, cutting, stabbing, stitching, lightning like comming & going raidly. Pains rapidly change from place to place and relieved by heat, warmth & pressure & aggravated by cold in general, from motion & open air.
Infants: 5 drops, 4 times a day or as prescribed by the physician
Children: 10 drops, 4 times a day or as prescribed by the physician
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