Oral Problems, Cleans the Teeth Effectively, Maintains Oral Hygiene & Stops Bad Breath
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Paste
Weight: 117 (gms)
Plantago : Toothache, better while eating. Profuse of saliva. Toothache, with reflex neuralgia of eyelids. Teeth ache and are sensitive and sore to touch.
Calendula Officinalis: It is an excellent haemostatic in tooth extraction. Pain is excessive and out of all proportion to injury due to probable nerve involvement.
Staphysagria: Toothache due to unhealthy and decaying gums. Teeth turn black. Pain worse with hot or cold things
Calcarea Phosphorica: widely used for calcium deficiency, especially in children during dentition. Soft, thin bones. Malassimilation, delayed closure of fontanelles.
Azadirachta Indica Q:
Kreosotum : Extremely painful dentition which disturbs the sleep of the child. Rapid decay of teeth with crumbly teeth with black discoloration and spongy, bleeding gums.
Hekla Lava : Neuralgic pains in the face from carious teeth. Toothache and abscess of gums with swelling in the jaws and maxillary bone.
Clac. Fluor.: Necrosis & suppuration in the lower jaw
Merc Cor. : Swelling of throat and uvula which is red, painful and intensely inflamed.
Calcarea carb. hahn. : Bleeding of gums, Difficult and delayed dentition. Teethache; excited by current of air anything cold or hot is well relieved.
2 times a day for best results or as prescribed by the physician
Children below 6 years of age, use only a pea size amount under adult's supervision or as prescribed by the physician
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