Lumbago, Back Pain, Relieves Stiffness, Pains, Sciatica & Spondylitis
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Pain is an unpleasant feeling often caused by intense or damaging stimuli such as crushing toes with stones, burning in fingers as by fire, put alcohol on cuts. Non sensitivity is caused by numbness of peripheral nerves, neuropathic pain caused by damage or disease affecting any part of nervous system. Phantom pain felt in any part of the body that has been lost. Other common pains are seen in practice rheumatic pain. Joint pain and muscular pains from exertion and injuries.
Trigeminal neuralgia, glasso-pharyngeal neuralgia, eagle syndrome, intercostals, neuralgia, paraesthesia, Muscular Pains and Arthralgia
In severe pain 10 drops in 2 spoon of water every 15 to 30 minutes or as prescribed by the Physician.
To prevent relapses administer it for a long period 10 to 15 drops in 2 spoon of water before meals 3 times in a day or as prescribed by the Physician.
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