Loss of Appetite, General Weakness & Poor Digestion
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Syrup
A tonic with syrup base specially formulated for children
• Stimulates physical and mental activities
• Improves nutrition by toning up the appetite
• Relieves tension and stress
• Improves sleep
• Relieves fatigue and alleviates debility
• Produces remarkable improvement in anaemic patients despite prolonged medication
Acidum phosphoricum: Indicated for nervous exhaustion, mental and physical debility in growing and over taxed persons. Useful for ailments due to loss of vital fluids, vertigo, pain in eyeballs, frequent urination and weakness.
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa): It favourably influences nutrition by toning up the appetite and digestion, improves vigour and is indicated for neurasthenia, nervousness and insomnia.
Avena sativa: Tonic for debility after exhausting diseases, and general fatigue. It is reputed to have sedative activity.
China (Cinchona officinalis): It is a well verified remedy for debility, irritability, throbbing headache, flatulence, belching due to organic dysfunction, exhausted feeling due to loss of vital fluids, anorexia (loss of appetite) etc.
Cinnamomum : It is useful in minor haemorrhages, flatulence in weak persons with languid circulation.
Hydrastis : Indicated for easily tiring persons with debility and catarrhal symptoms and weightloss. Weak muscular power, poor digestion and constipation.
Kalium arsenicosum : Recommended for chronic anaemia, inbuilt nervousness and restlessness. The person tends to be restless, nervous and anaemic.
Nux vomica : It is one of the best remedy for balancing and bringing equilibrium of different functions irritability, indigestion, ineffectual evacuation and lethargic feeling resembling great debility. It overcomes cramps and neuralgias.
1 teaspoon, one hour before meals, three times a day or as prescribed by the physician
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