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Willmar Schwabe India Berberis Pentarkan (20 gm)

Willmar Schwabe India Berberis Pentarkan (20 gm)

Raised Uric Acid, Gout, Joint Swelling & Renal Stone


₹195 ₹157
19.49 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
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Useful in

Form:     Tablets

Weight:  80(gms)

• Relieves pain during urination due to renal calculi

• Corrects metabolic disturbances

• Has antiseptic, haemostatic, and diuretic action

• Also useful in gouty arthritis.

Berberis vulgaris : It is indicated for uric acid diathesis, joint troubles, kidney stones, sore sensation in region of kidney, pain in bladder region extending to thighs and loins on urinating. Frequent urination, sensation as if some urine remained after urinating. And the urine often contains large amount of bright red, mealy sediment. Pain due to renal calculi is relieved. It has a diuretic action as well. 

Lycopodium clavatum : Useful in renal calculi and gravel, shooting, pinching and incisive pains in the bladder and urethra, before urinating, ceases after flow, urine slow in coming, must strain. It coveres metabolic disturbances in such cases. 

Urtica urens : Indicated for uric acid diathesis, gout, stranguria, gravel, suppression of urine, and arthritis with fever. 

Taraxacum : It covers gout, neuralgic pains of joints and conditions associated with sluggish liver function. It has diuretic action as well. 

2 tablets hourly or as prescribed by the physician

Once the acute complaints start to subside, take 1 tablet every two hours or as prescribed by the physician

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