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Willmar Schwabe India Calciokind (10 gm)

Willmar Schwabe India Calciokind (10 gm)

For the development of bone structure and strengthens teeth and strengthens immune defense system


₹120 ₹93
22.50 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:     Globules

Weight:  60 (gms)

Helps in the absorption, utilization, and maintenance of calcium. It ensures the proper metabolism of calcium and relieves pain in bones and weakened muscles.

Calcarea carbonica Hahnemanni: It suits children who apparently look healthy, well-nourished but are sluggish both mentally and physically, are slow at school and games, have weak muscles and are liable to sprain their ankles or catch cold easily. It covers areas like enlarged tonsils, enlarged cervical glands which are common in children with low immunity. 

Calcarea fluorica: Poor assimilation of calcium often leads to delays in dentition and this drug along with Calcarea phosphorica covers the problem efficiently. Indication also covers problems related to weak defences like follicular sore throat, head colds, ineffectual desire to sneeze, stuffy cold, dry coryza, hacking cough from tickling in larynx or frequent hoarseness of voice after crying or reading loudly. 

Calcarea phosphorica : It is especially suited for anaemic children, peevish, having cold extremities and feeble digestion. It covers calcium deficiency and is indicated for pain in bones and hypertrophy of adenoid tissues. It improves immune defence mechanism by its role in promotion of healthy cells. 

Sulphur iodatum : It covers pain on coughing, swallowing, swelling of gums, flux, sneezing, itching, skin eruptions in irritable, indifferent subjects very commonly met where the child suffers from weak defences. 

2 tablets 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician          

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