Ear pain, Tonsils, Hemorrhoids, Mouth ulcers, Acne & Fever
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Common Name: Chloride of Potassium
This remedy has a wide clinical use, through its introduction by Schuessler. It causes catarrhal condition, producing MILKY WHITE, viscid, sticky, thick; slimy or lumpy discharges. Tough plastic or fibrinous exudates. Hard deposits. Glandular swelling. Sore, cutting or sticking, shifting pains. Crawling. Numbness. Ill effects of vaccination. Sprains. Burns. Blows, cuts. Embolism. Crosswise symptoms. Slow reaction. Stubborn infiltration. White or gray coating of base of tongue, and expectoration of thick, white phlegm, seem to be special guiding symptoms. Bursitis præpatellaris.
Acne. Aphthæ. Bubo. Bunion. Burns. Cataract. Chilblains. Constipation. Croup. Cystitis. Diarrhœa. Diphtheria. Dropsy. Dysentery. Ear, affections of. Eczema. Embolism. Eustachian tubes, occlusion of. Eyes, affections of. Glands, swollen. Hæmorrhoids. Heart, affections of. Hodgkin's disease. Ingrowing toenails. Jaundice. Joint, cracking of. Leucorrhœa. Mumps. Rheumatism. Scorbutus. Shingles. Small-pox. Sycosis. Tendons, creaking of. Vaccination, effects of. Warts.
Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR
Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.
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