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Willmar Schwabe India Secale Cornutum 1X (Q) (30 ml)

Willmar Schwabe India Secale Cornutum 1X (Q) (30 ml)

Skin Complaints, Anxiety, Muscles Weak, Stammering, Vertigo, Diarrhoea & Labor


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Useful in

Form:         Drops

Produces contraction of the unstriped muscular fibers; hence a constringent feeling throughout the whole body. This produces an anæmic condition, coldness, numbness, petechiæ, mortification, gangrene. A useful remedy for old people with shriveled skin-thin, scrawny old women. All the Secale conditions are better from cold; the whole body is pervaded by a sense of great heat. Hæmorrhages; continued oozing; thin, fetid, watery black blood. Debility, anxiety, emaciation, though appetite and thirst may be excessive. Facial and abdominal muscles twitch. Secale decreases the flow of pancreatic juice by raising the blood pressure

Abortions, After pains, Bladder affections, Paralysis, Boils, Carbuncles, Cholera, Carbuncles, Cholera, Convulsions, Cramps, Diabetes, Diarrhoea,  Epilepsy, Gangrene, Glandular affections, Haemorrhage, Heart affections, Liver troubles, Leucorrhoea, Labour, Menstrual disorders, Misscariage, Neuralgia, Numbness, Pregnancy disorders, Spinal irritations, Skin affections, Ulcers, Uterine troubles, Urinary troubles

Take 15 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

  • Menstrual colic, with coldness and intolerance of heat. Passive hæmorrhages in feeble, cachectic women. Burning pains in uterus. 
  • Brownish, offensive leucorrhœa.
  • Menses irregular, copious, dark; continuous oozing of watery blood until next period.
  • Threatened abortion about the third month  
  • During labor no expulsive action, though everything is relaxed.
  • Cholera-like stools, with coldness and cramps. Olivegreen, thin, putrid, bloody, with icy coldness and intolerance of being covered, with great exhaustion. Involuntary stools; no sensation of passing feces, anus wide open.
  • Spinal irritation, tingling of lower extremities; can bear only slightest covering. Numbness of back.
  • Palpitation, with contracted and intermittent pulse.
  • Sleeplessness with restlessness, fever with anxious dreams.

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